Saturday, October 27, 2007

Universal Studios City Walk

Yesterday Cobey and I decided we wanted to go on a new adventure. We walked to Universal Studios from my house (it really only took 5 minutes) and road a free shuttle up the huge hill. There's an outside mall called City Walk - sort of like a Disneyland Mall; nice restaurants, cool lights, fountains, statues, etc. Here are a few pictures from our visit.. mostly Halloween related!

Tonight I'm performing in a Roja's fashion show, there will be pics of that posted for sure.

And just for the record, JANET JACKSON came to watch a dance class at Millennium Dance Center. She sat right in front and watched for about 40 minutes. She was really nice & beautiful!! First time I felt star struck :)

Love you guys!


Anonymous said...


courtney said...

haha! Nice costume. Glad you're having a good time down there. Mom told me about Janet Jackson coming and I made sure to tell everyone that she's learning her dance moves from my cool sister. Love Ya.