Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Penny the new house Puppy

This week has been pet week. First my fish at work.
Second is Penny, my roommates new puppy.
She is only 2 months old, weighs 3 lbs, and they say she is a Chihuahua..
We all think she is a mix (of beagle maybe?) because of her floppy ears, nose, and coloring.
She is named Penny because she came from the Garment District downtown.
She is hyper as you could imagine..
I like being the aunt of the puppy rather than the mom :)
Play time!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Turn 25 and I Inherit a Fish

Hi All!
Look what my carpoolers got me for my birthday.. a fish.
His name is CAP (= carpoolers assistance program) and he flops around in his bowl all day.
I can't believe I now have a fish at work :)

Who wants him for Christmas? :)

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Best Job in the World > Island Caretaker


For those of you who didn't see my video yet for the
Best Job in the World
, below is a link.
I believe I would be a great island caretaker on the
Great Barrier Reef
for 6 months :)

Don't you?!


Love you guys!