Friday, January 18, 2008

Rino - One of Gwen Stefani's Harajuku Girls!

So I finally got to take class from Rino. I've alllwwayysss wanted to take from her but she doesn't teach often because she's always gone on tour with Gwen Stefani as a Harajuku Girl (she is 'Music'). There aren't many female dancers out there like her - she's amazing, a great performer, freestyler, etc. Class was great - I'll post a video when it's up. I also got her to sign my shoe :) And for those of you who know the Harajuku Girls, Jenny (or 'Angel' was in class too)!

From L to R: Anika, Rino (blue hat), Me, and Cobey

Gwen Stefani (middle) and her Harajuku Girls, Rino is the one with the hat on the right.

Rino performing in the middle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be cool to wear an outfit like that? They look amazing. You are lucky to dance and meet so many talented people.