Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Boogiezone Class w/Ryan Feng

Hello! I recently took a Boogiezone class from our friend, Ryan Feng. So check it out! I'm on the far right (blue and black button up shirt). First group in the video.

XOXO! Happy almost Turkey Day.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

C h a n g e

Obama = change.
So I decided to change.
I sold my Chevrolet cobalt.
Used some of the $ to buy this rad car.
And put the rest in my savings account.
It fits me like a glove, doesn't it? :)

The Other Duck - Clothing Line


A month or so ago, I took part in a photo shoot for my friend's clothing line: The Other Duck. She has a new line coming out - called the monologic line - she designed all of it. Below are a few pictures, I'm sure I'll be seeing the rest soon once she has her release party.

Love you! See you in less than a month! :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Blythe Spyce Girls -- "Wanna Be"

Ok.. so.. my roommates and I (plus a few others) filmed this on the day after Halloween. It was a rainy 'seattle like' day and what better than to make a video! We call ourselves the Blythe Spice Girls. If you are familiar with the original Spice Girls, they each have a character. We each represent one of them (me being 'baby spice') and added a few other characters as well. Our friend directed it and my roommate edited it. Hope you enjoy! :) We are weird, I know! Haha.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween at RAND

Here are some pictures from our Halloween party at work. I wore my basketball outfit from my dance group Breed. The black and orange was perfect and I loved wearing my sneakers :)

Some of those who dressed up.

Group picture of those who dressed up and played Halloween bingo during lunch. The lady sitting down to my left with the lei and white socks is one of my carpoolers.

Playing bingo. Trying hard but didn't win. I ate a ton of candy though. The lady to my left is one of my carpoolers.

The lady to my right is another one of my carpoolers.

Aerial shot. There were a lot of us playing bingo! The odds weren't the best!

It was fun! XOXO.

Halloween party at our House.

Hello familia.
More pictures to come but I just wanted you to see how beautiful I have become.
I have the smog, busy lifestyle, and traffic to thank here in LA.

Love you all. Stay tuned.. XOXO!

My name was Clyde. Everyone was scared of me.

Photo booth and equipment involved. Aren't I pretty? :)